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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
01/08/23 What Saves Us Lonnie Garrison N/A Sun AM What_Saves_Us.mp3
01/01/23 Spiritual New Year Resolutions Lonnie Garrison N/A Sun AM Spiritual_New_Years_Resolutions.pdf Spiritual_New_Year_Resolutions.mp3
12/25/22 Daily Christianity Lonnie Garrison N/A Sun AM Daily_Christianity.mp3
12/18/22 Six Things Satan Wants for Your Life Lonnie Garrison N/A Sun AM Six_Things_Satan_Wants_for_Our_Lives.mp3
12/11/22 Responsibilities of a Christian Lonnie Garrison N/A Sun AM Scannable_Document_2_on_Dec_11_2022_at_11-02-00_AM.PNG Responsibilities_of_a_Christian.mp3
12/04/22 Heeding God's Warnings Lonnie Garrison N/A Sun AM Heeding_Gods_Warnings.mp3
11/27/22 Love of the Brethren Lonnie Garrison N/A Sun AM Love_of_the_Brethren.mp3
11/20/22 Heaven is a Prepared Place for a Prepared People Scott Tidwell N/A Sun AM Heaven_is_a_Prepared_Place_for_a_Prepared_People.mp3
11/13/22 True Humility Lonnie Garrison N/A Sun AM True_Humility.mp3
11/06/22 Heaven's Rewards Cliff Marshall N/A Sun AM Heavens_Rewards.mp3
10/30/22 Abigail, A Remarkable Woman Cliff Marshall N/A Sun AM Abigail_A_Remarkable_Woman.mp3
10/23/22 Flesh Versus the Spirit Cliff Marshall N/A Sun AM
10/16/22 Some 'Bees' of James 1 Lonnie Garrison N/A Sun AM Some_Bees_of_James_1.mp3
10/09/22 Do Good Lonnie Garrison N/A Sun AM Do_Good.mp3
10/02/22 Who Cares for My Soul Lonnie Garrison N/A Sun AM Who_Cares_for_My_Soul.mp3
09/18/22 Let the Redeemed Say So Doug Thomas N/A Sun AM Let_the_Redeemed_Say_So.mp3
09/11/22 Putting First Things First Cliff Marshall N/A Sun AM Putting_First_Things_First.mp3
09/04/22 Edify One Another Lonnie Garrison N/A Sun AM Edify_One_Another.mp3
08/14/22 I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life Sam Martin N/A Sun AM
08/07/22 Christians Responsibility to the Civil Government Lonnie Garrison N/A Sun AM Christians_Responsibility_to_the_Civil_Government.mp3
07/31/22 The Authority of Earthly Governments Lonnie Garrison N/A Sun AM The_Authority_of_Earthly_Governments.mp3
07/24/22 Holy Spirit - Our Comforter Cliff Marshall N/A Sun AM Holy_Spirit_-_Our_Comforter.mp3
07/17/22 Jesus, His Authority as a Teacher Lonnie Garrison N/A Sun AM Jesus_His_Authority_as_a_Teacher.mp3
07/10/22 Lessons from Joseph in Genesis Drum McLaughlin N/A Sun AM Lessons_from_Joseph_in_Genesis.mp3
07/03/22 Serving Like Jesus Steven Matthews N/A Sun AM Serving_Like_Jesus.mp3

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